Contribution Compass:


We use personality profiling to channel your efforts where the value is highest

We believe that people should do what they are good at and what they naturally love. This is for a range of reasons:

For one, we want you to be happy. Because we care. And also because we believe that when you’re happy your work benefits.

For that reason, we want you to do what you’re passionate about. You’re at your most engaged, you do your best work, and you’re happy. Everything fits.

The Contribution Compass is a method of evaluating your personality, to decipher what work you enjoy, and how we can best support you to be happy.

It helps you to understand both your area of maximum contribution to the team, and how you can leverage the most value for yourself and for us. You achieve this leverage simply – by investing your time in your area of maximum contribution.

Claire Ross, our employee trustee to our employee ownership trust, works with all of our team to make sure we’re supporting them to work efficiently, effectively and, most of all, happily.

It’s a 20 minute online survey, followed up with an hour-long meeting with Claire to discuss your results.

What we have to emphasise is that this is not a competency test. Far from it.

It’s a tool we use to give you greater insight into your own personality and skills, which is proven to help not just your career, but in your relationships with people in every sphere of your life.

For us, the insight helps us to ensure you’re working in areas that interest and fulfil you, rather than wasting energy doing work you don’t enjoy. This helps enhance teamwork as well, with colleagues gaining a great understanding of how they can most help each other.

This is something we can do for all veterinary professionals, regardless of whether they join us or not. Because improving our industry is something we’re committed to wholeheartedly, inside and outside our practices.
